Tuesday, January 8, 2013

that time I went to see a movie with the Montreal Canadiens...

Opps I never finished writing this, thus it was never posted. I told you I was a bad blogger! Last week at work a co-worker asked me if I had stalked seen any hockey players lately. Unfortunately, I haven't but since the blog world hasn't heard this story yet, here it is.

So I really did see a movie with the Canadiens. The fact that we didn't arrive together and that they didn't sit with me is a minor technicality! Find out more after the jump [might even be a few pics]...

On Oct 22, less than a week after playing street hockey with Army and Prust, I read a tweet about a hockey movie, The Last Gladiators [trailer here]. It turned out that the hockey player that the movie was about, Chris 'Knuckles' Nilan was on a cross Canada tour with the movie and it just so happened that he was going to be in Montreal that night. I looked into getting tickets but wasn't 100% sure if I was going to able to get them at the theatre or not and I didn't want to make the trip for nothing. However, before I had officially made a decision to try and get tickets or not, there was a retweet about 10 free pairs of tickets. I sent an email, hoping to get a pair but fully expecting I was too late. As luck would have it, I scored [pun fully intended] a pair of free tickets!

Who would have thought getting the tickets would be the easy part? I asked all my hockey friends in the city [which honestly isn't that many people] but everyone gave me a legit excuse. I'm pretty independent, but I wasn't quite ready to take no for an answer, so I checked with everyone one more time [excuse or not they are the ones that missed out].

I was seriously considering not going, I don't know why I didn't want to go alone. But I got ready and made the short trek to the theatre. I walked in to the theatre and there were all kinds of people, I waited in line for my tickets. I waited my turn and then told them my name, they didn't seem to say anything so I thought maybe I was in the wrong line. Then they said, I was in the right line but they only had a few tickets left, like they weren't going to give me my tickets. That did not help my not wanting to be there alone. Finally I just told them that I only needed one and they gave it to me.

While in the line up I saw Georges Laraque, now I like to think I am pretty chill around hockey players and Laraque is probably one of the nicest. But I was sooo intimidated by him! I mean he was just standing around eating his popcorn but I just couldn't approach him. So I casually walked by and got in line to get my own popcorn. The line wasn't super long but it seemed to take forever. While I was in line I saw some of the Habs walk in. I can't remember now who I saw first but I saw Colby Armstrong,  Brandon Prust, Josh Gorges, Erik Cole, David Desharnais and Brian Gionta [and their wives/girl friends].

I didn't bother them before the movie, so I got my popcorn and headed into the theatre, which of course was pretty freakin' packed!! There were reserved seats in the middle for the hockey players and the front rows were pretty much empty. I didn't want to sit in the front [but should have] so I walked up the far side and at the very top of the stairs was one seat.

While we were waiting for the movie to start I saw Sergio Memesso take his seat and of course the man of the hour, Chris 'Knuckles' Nilan. The guys that were in line for pop corn and what not came in a little later. A few sat in the front rows...I could have been sitting by my Davey!!! *sigh*

The movie was great! Very inspirational, I don't remember seeing Nilan play, I'm old enough to have seen him, but grew up with only Hockey Night in Canada, which consisted in mostly Leafs games. At any rate, I wish I had seen him play. There was a Q&A after the movie.

The players were hanging around after the Q&A, below are my pictures with Nilan, Gorges and Gionta.

Needless to say, I had a great time and I am glad I went! How many of you can say you saw a movie with some of your favourite hockey players?!


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