Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Celeb spotting in the Old Port

...are NHL players considered celebrities?!? They are 'famous' right?! At any rate who could we have possibly met in the Old Port?! Click read more to find out, fyi there are pics! [and a back story, I know! I just have so much to say. OK click now.]

July 19-23

I haven't officially written a bucket list [yet], but since last Thursday [two Thursdays ago, the 19th, I know, I am a terrible blogger] I have crossed a few things off it. [Come to think of it I have crossed a lot off this hypothetical bucket list since moving to Montreal. Maybe I should actually write up a bucket list.]
I guess I could start this with last Thursday [19th]. My sister drove up from NB, Montreal was a pit stop for her on her way to a wedding in Ottawa [I was attending it with her]. This was the first time I have seen a member of my immediate family since I moved here in December [that's 7 months people, but it doesn't seem that long! :s], also it was the first time someone has come to visit and spend the night.
Click read more to find out about the rest of my week...including pics.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Canada Day [I know it was July 1st!]

I realize this is super late, but better late then never, right?! As you can tell by the title of this post, it's my way late Canada Day post. ...I just realized I skipped St. Jean Baptiste day, opps! [Quebec's holiday. I do have some pics from that parade I might post them some time]. But here are some of my pictures from Canada Day 2012!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My random life.

I know I am behind on posting. I'm working on it. But I just had to share a couple of things I saw today.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Free agent Frenzy!!!

So I don't follow the draft we found that out last post. So it should come as no surprise that the first of July [Happy Canada Day, eh!], I don't spend it glued to my computer or TV for the Free Agent deals. I do, however, never leave home without my cellphone, which includes my TSN updates and Twitter up dates.