Tuesday, January 15, 2013

what happened in my first year that hasn't been post yet

Did you read the first part of my year in review?! No. Well you can find it here.
If you've already read it welcome to part two, the parts that have not made it on my blog yet. I'm sure there is more things that have happened that I can't remember at this time

my first year in Montreal

This was going to be a post about my first year and a review of 2012, but I don't want to talk about New Year's, so it's just going to be about my first year in Montreal. Yes, it has been a full year since I moved here [actually a year and a month because I didn't get this written or posted before now].
I've had some ups and downs but it has definitely been a great year! 
Click 'read more' to see some of the highlights, most that I have blogged about, some I haven't.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

that time I went to see a movie with the Montreal Canadiens...

Opps I never finished writing this, thus it was never posted. I told you I was a bad blogger! Last week at work a co-worker asked me if I had stalked seen any hockey players lately. Unfortunately, I haven't but since the blog world hasn't heard this story yet, here it is.

So I really did see a movie with the Canadiens. The fact that we didn't arrive together and that they didn't sit with me is a minor technicality! Find out more after the jump [might even be a few pics]...