Wednesday, June 20, 2012

the motto

In this post I talk about YOLO and my motto.

So in case you didn't get it yolo is a reference to the Drake song. The song itself is catchy and this motto has caught on. 'You only live once' I agree, it's a good motto to have. But I don't like the term 'yolo'. It's over used. I was happy to see I was not alone with this iJustine shared her view and LifeAccordingToJim his, which is kind of funny but also makes fun of it [Mum, these are videos, just fyi]. I will never use it, unless it's to make fun of it!

For a few years now, I've adopted 'believe' as my motto. It's just a simple word that can mean so much.
Believing in myself.
Believing in good things to come.
Believing everything happens for a reason.
One of my favourite quotes is "Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe".
So that's why I end ever post with it and why it's the link to this blog.
However, a few months ago I started seeing, Justin Bieber and his fans tweeting the hashtag #BELIEVE. Apparently the name of his new album, that was released this week. Now I don't have a problem with the Biebs, he's a good Canadian kid, I'm even kind of proud of what he has done. [side note: I love YouTube and finding unsigned artists, with great talents. I'm not really sure when I first saw Bieber on YouTube but I'm pretty sure it was when I was living in Fredericton. I just checked his channel he joined in Jan 2007, so that makes sense. I moved away from Fredericton in August 2007. Long story short I discovered him! Not really haha]
But now he stole my believe!!
I guess it's easy for me to say it was mine first, but since Justin is a bit more famous than me, it's easier for him to claim it.
So I say, take care of it Justin and don't abuse it. But remember I am keeping it too [can't we share it?!].


1 comment:

  1. I love this! Justin totally stole it from you the jerk! You deserve credit. And to think he would do that to you after you discovered him and all... I tell you people got not respect! Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better through it! You're hilarious and I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)
