Friday, April 29, 2011

what's your passion?

noun /ˈpaSHən/ 
passions, plural
1) Strong and barely controllable emotion- a man of impetuous passion
2) A state or outburst of such emotion- oratory in which he gradually works himself up into a passion3) An intense desire or enthusiasm for something- the English have a passion for gardens

I know I don't have everything figured out and I know I am not right about everything, but everyday I learn a little more. This post isn't really going to be about my future plans [OK maybe a little bit] but it's going to be about having a passion [as defined above].

So here it are already aware that I am a hockey fan and more specifically a Montreal Canadiens [Habs] fan. So unless you have been living under a rock, you know that the 2011 Stanley Cup playoffs are well underway. Incase you didn't know my Habs made it into the playoffs and were 'lucky' enough to be facing their long time rivals, the Boston Bruins.
Unfortunately the 2011 Cup run ended for my Habs on Wednesday night in overtime of game 7. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad after the loss, but I wasn't mad. I was sad that I will have to wait all summer to see my team play again. Also disappointed that I would have to go into work the next morning and face my 'non-Habs supporting' co-workers, who's faith in my team was very low at the start of the playoffs, luckily they weren't as harsh as they could have been. Mostly it was, 'well hockey's over for another year', 'I wonder what the tee-time is for the Habs this morning' and so on, there was even one that said that the Habs should have won that game and I think he was serious. I won't go into the all the details about the game, you either saw it or you didn't [I won't judge you on that, nor will I hold it against you].
So where does the passion come in? When I realized that the season is really over, for some reason it made me more excited to move and more excited for next year. I don't really know how to explain it... it just hit me that I really want to be in that city, surrounded by other fans and in the middle of all the action. Even if I'm not working with the team, or even able to attend the games, I know that there are bars that show the games and are filled with other fans, like me, who are so excited about the team.
This post, however, isn't just about my passion. What I learned today is that everyone has a passion for something and not everyone is going to agree or understand your passion. I know most people don't understand why I love hockey or to what extent I love it and that's fine. I try not to force feed it to anyone who doesn't want to learn. I also learned that people aren't always willing to take the time or even try to understand why you have that passion.
Let me explain, today was Prince William and Kate's wedding day, you probably already knew that, the ceremony has been over for a while now [although I am sure there are celebrations are still going on]. I admit I haven't watched much of the ceremony and I certainly did not get up at 3AM [my time] to watch it. But millions of people did. [I was, however, curious about the dress and have since seen videos and pictures, it was hard to avoid.] I know that there are people that love the Royal family, like the million that were in London and only caught glimpses of the Royal couple. While millions more woke up early to attended or host breakfasts while watching the wedding. Some even commissioned bakers to build their own wedding cake for the occasion. And I saw on the news a young class [daycare or Kindergarten] who were all dressed up as princes and princesses for the day. I'm sure there are other events that were planned that seem a little strange to me. But too me, that's a passion and not everyone might understand it and in some cases instead of trying to understand it, it's easier to poke fun. Which I saw a fair share of today.
I guess what I am trying to say is find something that you are passionate about and never give up on it! My Habs might be done hockey for this season, but there is still lots of great hockey to be had before the long summer and I am going to watch as much of it as I can!

So what are you passionate about?! And what are some of the reactions that you have got about your passion?!


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