Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dear Olympics

I've seen these 'letter link ups' around the blogosphere before but I am usually to late and never have letters to write. I think the link ups are usually written on Fridays but the Olympics have inspired me to write today and since the closing ceremonies are today, there is no greater time than now!
Find out who I am writing my letters to after the jump.
Dear Opening Ceremonies,
I think that was the first time I made an effort to watch the whole thing [maybe I'm just getting old an forgetful]. I made a last minute decision to watch you and I was not disappointed. Future Olympics have a lot to live up to [and I will be watching, maybe]!

Dear Canadian Olympians,
I might not remember your names but I will never forget your stories! Whether you captured gold, had a personal best but didn't get a medal, came back from an injury, apologized for finishing, 'un-Canadianly' bragged about your bronze medal or you were participating in your 10th Olympic games. As a fellow Canadian I am beyond proud!! I know it's cliche but just being there is an amazing accomplishment and you should be proud! To the ones that will compete in Rio, can't wait to see you preform! To the ones that won't be in Rio, thank you! And best wishes to all of them!!

Dear Olympians,
Like I said to the Canadians, I will never forget your stories. There wasn't an event that I watched that I didn't get the chills. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished! Best wishes in the future!!

Dear Tom Daley,
You are the only one I will write personally. I could write to you about how cute I think you are, how I think you have a really nice body, that I am a big fan of the fun you had while you weren't training [video here], or how my heart broke for you after hearing about your dad. But what really won me over was how flippin' excited you were to win bronze! I was watching without sound, you see and I didn't give it my full attention but I saw, who I assume was your coaches and trainers throw you in the pool and jump in themselves. I could have swore you won the gold!! I don't even know how to describe how I felt when I found out you won bronze! A feat that deserved just as much celebration as you showed [I didn't make this but it's pretty accurate description of how it went down]. Congrats to you and all the best in Rio!

Dear Royal Family,
I loved seeing the 'human' side of you [you know the 'they're just like us' side], like the Queen looking unamused in the opening ceremonies, to the Princes and Kate at some of the events doing the wave, to the interview with Brian Williams. It was nice to see you enjoying the games, like 'one of us'. [OK this sounded better in my head but I hope you know what I mean. It was nice to see you out and about.] I don't follow the Royals very closely, but I was won over.

Dear Closing Ceremonies,
Like the Opening Ceremonies, I don't really remember watching all you had to give before. But I did this time and you are giving me mixed emotions. I really don't know what I am supposed to be feeling. On one hand, I am blown away by the talents from the UK [?! I was going to say GB but were there other countries in on it too haha. If I can believe what I read on tumblr, they were all from Great Britain except my special little Irish snowflake aka Niall Horan from One Direction], on the other hand you have some recent loves of mine [1D and Ed Sheeran], and on the other hand [pretend I have 3 hands, if that's not to weird] you struck a nostalgic nerve with Wonderwall and the Spice Girls. You were great and I love it all!

Dear Rio De Janerio,
Can't wait to see you in 2016. Best wishes! Don't let me down!
                            signed the Olympic Couch Potato

PS to my Mom 'Lillehammer' ...sadly I had to look up the correct spelling [it has been 18 years though].


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