Thursday, July 12, 2012

My random life.

I know I am behind on posting. I'm working on it. But I just had to share a couple of things I saw today.
 Sometimes I just leave my apartment just to get out. Actually today I needed peroxide for my bluster that burst and is 'messy' [to avoid infection, totally blanked when I first wrote this haha]. So I went up to check my mail box on my way out of the building. And there as an envelop in it! yay! ...but it wasn't so me! boo! haha
When I left the building I was immediately hit by the heat. It wasn't deadly, just hot!
Then I noticed there was a sign on a tree. Once I got closer I noticed a roller blade attached also!

Anyone looking to buy a used pair?! Or maybe it's just one that is for sale... haha 
At any rate it make me laugh, it was so unexpected.

I carried on my way and when I was close to the Metro station, there was a beer truck dropping off beer to the connivence store and it obstructed my view of the park. The other day when I passed by there was a lady in a bathing suit and it looked odd to me, because I didn't know there was a pool or wading pool there. Of course when I came home I forgot to detour to the park to see. So I looked off to see if I could see anything and these two  SUVs caught my eye.

Now I consider where I live to be kind of ghetto. So two Lincoln stretch limos looked really out of place to me. On the other side of the limos is a skate park, green space, baseball field and the rink is also in that 'block'. As you can see or rather not see I didn't know what the limos were for so instead of going to the metro, I went and did a little investigating.
I found out that there is in fact a wading pool. I thought it was a tennis court before. It's inside a fence and there is a bit of a hill from the road so it just looked like a tennis court.
Then I went to the skate park area and there was a Redbull umbrella, a cooler, a bunch of boxes and a truck that was playing music. There was also a guy filming some of the skaters. But there were no signs or anything so I have no idea what it was all about. 
There is soo much going on in this city I have no idea how you could keep up with it all!! 
And the 'small town girl' side of me still isn't used to seeing a limo or two just on the street! haha

What random-ness do you have in your life?!


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