I wouldn't call myself a movie buff, but I do enjoy movies (especially on the big screen). This week there was a Digital Film Fest going on at one of the theatres, they were playing old movies. I decided to go to two of them, Spaceballs and Stand by me. I had seen Spaceballs years ago but didn't remember it, I just knew it would be entertaining. Which it certainly was, before the movie started they passed out 'saber rings' they make more sense if you've seen the movie but they too added entertainment. A ways into the movie the screen when black but we still had audio (for real, not at the joke part of the movie). It was then that the saber rings provided entertainment, while we were waiting for them to fix the video.
After the movie we were given a complimentary movie ticket because of the video errors. Then I stayed to see Stand by me, which I hadn't seen before. It was good too and amusing at times, at least I thought it was. It stared Wil Wheaton and as a fan of The Big Bang Theory, I couldn't help but laugh.
On Friday, I went to see Star Wars Episode 1. It was the first screening at this particular theatre and it was probably not even half full. But those who were there were fans, clapping when the Lucas logo showed up and then when some of the characters showed up on screen and of course at the end. It was fun to experience it in 3D. I've seen all the Star Wars movies before, but I don't remember them really. After seeing episode 1, I want to watch the others again. But that will have to wait for another time.