Sunday, February 26, 2012

what a week! [in a good way]

Ever have one of those weeks where everything seems to go right?!
That was this week for me.
As I already posted Monday was everything [except the actual movie] Goon day!
Tuesday was a down day, that I spent looking up apartments, just in case.

Monday, February 20, 2012

GOON -premiere Montreal

I tried to start this post like 5 times, and I just didn’t know what to say haha…
OK. As I said before, I receive tweets on my phone. Last night I received 2 that excited me. Now I knew that Feb 20, was the première of Goon at the AMC, old Forum. I had entered a contest to try and win tickets, spoiler: I didn’t win.
I’m not sure which one I saw first but one was a retweet from Jay Baruchel saying he was going to be at the Apple store at 4:30, the next day (today). Since I was waiting to hear back from that apartment, I had nothing else to do and if I stayed home, I would have just drove myself crazy.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

This city, is my city...and I love it!

Since my last post I've been packing, fighting with my cellphone provider and desperately searching the internet for a place. Not to mention stressing and worrying like crazy!
Last night I found a few places but it was too late to call but I replied via email to one place. Surprisingly she wrote me back last night and I had an appointment for today. Long story short, I put a deposit on it and am wait to hear if I got it or not.
So instead of rushing home to look at different places, I took advantage of the spring like weather and went on an adventure.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

same Metro, new line

I love days like today. I had a fairly productive morning [yes, even though I wasn’t up before 10:30 I still managed to be productive before noon]. After checking facebook, my email and the mailbox, I was trying to figure out something to do, the sun was shining and it was warm out. Naturally I found myself looking at the movie listings trying to find a good one to go see. There are three theatres in Montreal that I have been too, the movies playing there I had either seen already or just didn’t want to see. So I started looking at other theatres but none of them had any movies that interested me. Until I stumbled upon the Dollar Cinema, I had seen it before but at the time I wasn’t ready to travel to it. I don’t know what motivated me to go today but I’m glad I did.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Habs Tweetup

Let me start by saying a day doesn’t go by that I don’t check Facebook. If for some reason I can’t check it the next time I can I scroll all the way through to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
While I don’t have the same feeling for twitter (that might change), I get tweets sent to my phone by those that I wish not to miss what they have to say (Facebook probably does something the same but it’s just not the same to me). In case you don’t know, Twitter is a like a micro-blog. You have 140 characters to speak your peace (as you can tell if takes me a lot more than that). I don’t tweet much, I guess it’s because I have a hard time narrowing my thoughts down to 140 characters. (I’m at 550plus and haven’t even started about the tweet up, see what I mean. haha).
I think I would be on twitter more if I have a decent smart phone, but I don’t yet so I’ll just keep doing what I am doing.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

old movies on the big screen

I wouldn't call myself a movie buff, but I do enjoy movies (especially on the big screen). This week there was a Digital Film Fest going on at one of the theatres, they were playing old movies. I decided to go to two of them, Spaceballs and Stand by me. I had seen Spaceballs years ago but didn't remember it, I just knew it would be entertaining. Which it certainly was, before the movie started they passed out 'saber rings' they make more sense if you've seen the movie but they too added entertainment. A ways into the movie the screen when black but we still had audio (for real, not at the joke part of the movie). It was then that the saber rings provided entertainment, while we were waiting for them to fix the video.
After the movie we were given a complimentary movie ticket because of the video errors. Then I stayed to see Stand by me, which I hadn't seen before. It was good too and amusing at times, at least I thought it was. It stared Wil Wheaton and as a fan of The Big Bang Theory, I couldn't help but laugh.


On Friday, I went to see Star Wars Episode 1. It was the first screening at this particular theatre and it was probably not even half full. But those who were there were fans, clapping when the Lucas logo showed up and then when some of the characters showed up on screen and of course at the end. It was fun to experience it in 3D. I've seen all the Star Wars movies before, but I don't remember them really. After seeing episode 1, I want to watch the others again. But that will have to wait for another time.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

early mornings that turn into a good day

A good day in my books, doesn't usually start until about noon. However, sometimes getting up early has it's advantages.
Like today for example, I set my alarm for 7:30 and planned to be out the door by 8...well it was closer to 8:15 by the time I was out the door. So I rushed to the Metro, which was full of people. After I was nearly down the 3 flights of stairs/escalators I saw that there was a train already there. Instead of rushing to get it, I figured there would be another along shortly. It was hot and starting to get crowded again, so I looked at my watch to see that it was nearly 8:30. Usually I have nothing but time but today I had to at the VIA train station for 9:05. I knew it would take a good 15 minutes to get to the Peel station and then about 10 to get me to the VIA station. So I was starting to panic a bit.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Birthdays are funny. A day to celebrate you, a day to celebrate your life and a day to just be you.
When you’re little they are an exciting day, usually involving a party with friends, gifts and cake.
With a birthday in early February, my parties centered around the snow and ice. Which was fine with me I love skating and the snow. [Come to think of it, that might be the reason that winter is my favourite season and might explain why I love hockey so much. In fact I’m sure it plays a huge part in it.]
After all the 'kid birthdays' they start to be the same. Usually parties centred around booze, in my case around the SuperBowl as well [I'm not a football fan, never was and probably never will be, but I've kind of embraced SuperBowl weekend and shared the stage].